Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Our Night Journey

Yes i know its been ages since i last posted.. tapi emang lagi sibuk banget. Anyway, Nora and I went into an in-depth discussion a few nights in a row about... religion.

Due to recent happenings, it really made me think you know...there really is not that much different between the three semitic religion: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Semuanya derive from the same line of ancient sacred text lah istilahnya. Evolution. Judaism and its sacred text being the paling pertama, the origin and everything. Trus develop ke Christianity... trus ke Islam.

Emang I'm still green to all this and I'm not actually a theologian, but banyak banget gitu text di Quran yang refer to both Torah and Injil as sacred texts, books with lights and guidance. And vice versa, di Old Testament (I think) in Deutoronomy 18, it prophesied the coming of Muhammad as "another Prophet like Moses" (because Muhammad and Moses are more similar than Jesus and Moses). So why? why? whyyyy? WHYYYYYYYYYYY ALLL THE PROBLEMS? i guess i know the answer to that... It's just the nature of human to be oh so protective in what they believe in. Human are born naturally stubborn. That's just that.

And then Nora asked "Trus kenapa ngga ada orang pindah dari Christianity ke Islam if Islam is the religion that completes the semitic line?"
Trus dia jawab sendiri "Probably because we are fine with what we believe in. As long as we dont harm others and keep on doing good... knp harus repot repot convert? Toh its the same God anyway.. just different mode of praying"
To which I agree... I mean its not like one sacred text allows its believer to devour the beating heart of a 9 year old... hahaha. Dont worry, I'm still a believer, I'll always will be.

Anyway, I just bought Karen Armstrong's "A History of God" book and after I read that book... hopefully I'll be able to make a more comprehensive and not as amateurish post on this matter. haha... exam boo... gtg back to my chapter on privileges....


16th Century Persian depiction of Muhammad's Night Journey (Isra Miraj)

5 komentar:

Lina Zainal mengatakan...

aku juga mikir banget vir.. banget banget : (

diabolykl mengatakan...

It's enough for me as a Muslim to know that there is no god but Allah and Prophet Muhammad is His messenger.
I personally think that Islam is the true religion of god. Islam in Arabic means the submission of one's will to the only true god worthy of worship "Allah". Where as, Judaism was named after the tribe of Judah, Buddhist after Gotama Buddha and Christianity after Jesus Christ. Islam is the religion which was given to Adam, and same goes to all the prophets (Moses, Jesus, Abraham and so on) sent by Allah to mankind. Islam was not a new religion brought by Prophet Muhammad, but only the true religion of Allah re-expressed in its final form.

"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion" - (Al-Maidah 5:3)

It's all up to each individual on how he/she define the word "religion" (pick one from the numerous definitions in the Wikipedia). But however, during Judgement Day, those who have faith in Allah will be rewarded, even if they didn't convert to Islam due to the fact that they never received a true and complete understanding of the basics of Islam.

Anonim mengatakan...

"Trus kenapa ngga ada orang pindah dari Christianity ke Islam if Islam is the religion that completes the semitic line?"

..keknya ada de.

"Probably because we are fine with what we believe in. As long as we dont harm others and keep on doing good... knp harus repot repot convert? Toh its the same God anyway.. just different mode of praying"

keknya gak bisa de. soale yg namanya agama kan sbgai landasan dasar khdupan manusia. tuhan jg punya aturan bagaimana sang hamba menyembah ke dirinya. di islam ada ikrar yang namanya syahadat sebagai modal dasar kita untuk menganut islam. gak tau klo konsep di agama lain apakah tuhan itu soal penamaan saja atau gimna.

di sekolah aja klo gak ikt aturan bisa di keluarin. tuhan? mm..

sara mengatakan...

Assalammua'laikum wrwb. Terlihat dr postingan anda maka tambahan sdkt masukan dr sy(dmn anda pasti sk membaca) alangkah baiknya referensi2 yg anda bc sbaiknya d tambah dgn referensi islami. Pahami sejarah islam tlbh dahulu sblm membaca sejarah lain dgn begitu kesiapan anda tuk memahami agama lain dpt dgn bijak. Bg sy mempelajari serta mencintai suatu agama tdk bs menggunakan logika melainkan iman dan takwalah yg menjadi landasan utama dr bentuk pengaplikasian sbg seorang muslimah yg baik. Bg saya insyaallah islamlah agama yg ptma dan terakhir bg sy, yg dpt sy lakukan sjauh mana ibadah yg sy lakukan sbg sorang muslimah yg msh bnyk kekurangannya mengerjakan perintah dan menjauhi larangan-Nya untuk bekal d akhirat. Jk anda msh bimbang alangkah baiknya anda meminta pndpt kpd org yg lbh paham akan islam dgn sjrhnya(para ijtihad) sy yakin dgn begitu anda akan menemukan jawaban yg anda inginkan. Sifat kritis blh tp anda hrs tau porsinya dan penerapannya, "bukankah sblm bperang hrs mempersiapkan perlengkapan jgn dgn tangan kosong(sy hrp anda paham)"dan pahami lingkungan yg tdkt sblm memahami lingkungan yg lbh jauh, cintai apa yg diyakini sblm mengkaji keyakinan lain, sejauh mana rasa cinta serta pemahaman anda akan apa yg anda yakini sblm anda mencoba membandingkan dgn keyakinan lain. Apakah anda tau knp manusia diciptakan d dunia memiliki jalan hidup yg berbeda???(insyaallah anda akan menemukan jwbnnya). Sejauh mana anda mencintai islam sbg agama yg anda anut?sejauh mana anda mencintai Allah SWT dan junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW?sejauh mana anda mengkaji dan memahami isi Al-Qur'an (sblm memahami kitab agama lain)?afwan jika penjabaran sy krg mengenakan tp rasa syg dan cinta sy thd anda sbg saudara seiman saya sy berani menjabarkan ini. Wassalammua'laikum wrwb. Syukron

unee mengatakan...

Religion is just,some sort of, label.
It's not the religion that gets you to "heaven".
It's the good deeds.

Plus,there's only one God.

.nice blog,Vira.
